Clinical Trials
A clinical trial is a research study that involves volunteers to test new drugs, treatments and diagnostic tools to help doctors better understand how to diagnose, treat and prevent diseases or conditions.
Clinical trials are vital in studying all aspects of medicine with the goal of helping patients live longer, healthier lives. In the United States, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) requires all new drugs and other treatments to be tested in clinical trials before being approved. Clinical trials show us what works in medicine and healthcare.
Types of Clinical Trials
Cancer Treatment Trials
Tests new drugs or new combination of drugs. These trials also test new approaches to surgery or giving radiation therapy.
Cancer Prevention Trials
Focus on the use of different medications or change in diet and exercise to determine if the risk of developing cancer decreases or stop it from recurring.
Diagnostic Trials
They find new ways to understand a particular disease or condition.
Screening Trials
Test the best way to detect cancer earlier.
Quality of Life Trials
Cancer can affect people’s health for years, so doctors explore ways to better manage and improve comfort for people who are living with cancer through supportive care trials. Doctors are always looking for ways to make people with cancer feel better.
Participate in a Clinical Trial
The best way to find a clinical trial is to first speak with your doctor and ask about trials that may be appropriate for your cancer type and stage. We have a Research Team here at Millennium Physicians, offering clinical trials that are available to our patients with cancer. If your doctor recommended a clinical trial that you are eligible to participate in and have additional questions, please feel free to contact our research staff for further assistance. They are always happy to explain details of a particular study including the trial’s purpose, how long it will take, what to expect, all potential risks and benefits and information on the privacy of your medical records.
Every clinical trial has its own protocol that determines the eligibility criteria needed in order to participate in that study. Following eligibility criteria helps the doctor and clinical trial research team keep you safe, makes sure the trial treatment is right for you and ensures that researchers learn the information they need. No treatment or procedure, even one already in common use, is entirely without risk. But ask yourself, do the benefits of the new treatment outweigh the possible risks?
It is important to share information about your health with the research team during and after the treatment. They are interested in all the details of your health during the clinical trial. Our highly experienced and compassionate physicians and staff focus on patient safety and care.
Phases of Clinical Trials
On average, a new cancer drug has been studied for at least 6 years before it even makes it to clinical trials. Phases are the stages a clinical trial must go through before they are released to the general public. Every new treatment is tested in 3 or more phases of clinical trials to determine drug dose, safety and effectiveness. The main phases are Phase I, Phase II and Phase III. The different phases give doctors different information about the treatment being studied.
A person does not go through each phase of a clinical trial. You can join a clinical trial at any phase. You can always leave a clinical trial at any time for any reason. If you decide to leave the study, talk to your doctor first to go over the affects it may have on your health and what other treatment options are available for you.
The most critical phase due to the development of a new drug or treatment. The main goal is to determine how well it works against a particular type of cancer, along with safety, best uses, dosage, frequency of dosage and identify side effects.

Before you decide whether a clinical trial is right for you, make sure you know the facts. Clinical trials offer a lot of hope for many people with cancer. Nearly all of the cancer-fighting drugs and treatments currently available to patients exist because they were thoroughly tested in clinical trials. The best way to ensure you are making the right choice, is taking the time to get as much information as you need to help make that decision.
Below is a list of available clinical trials and cancer research opportunities through Millennium Physicians. Please talk with your doctor to discuss the treatment options available to you and their likely impact on your disease and quality of life.
Members of our clinical trials study team can tell you more about the types of research taking place at Millennium Physicians locations. If you have questions about a specific study, please contact our staff. If you would like assistance searching for clinical studies that match your interest, please contact your doctor.
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